Sunday, October 19, 2008

Going back home

During fall break I went back home. It has been my first time back home since I came to SMU. It felt so odd because when I got home it felt like I never left. Everything that was at my house was still the same the only thing was I did not stay that long. The thing is that I did not really feel the comforts of home when I went back. My new home was my dorm room. I have most of my stuff there and the people that I have spent alot of time were at their homes.
Most of my friends from high school were at their colleges or universities and did not have a fall break. I went to the main university in my state for a football game over the weekend with my friend. It was alot of fun. When I got back I just went to my friends house and spent very minimal time at my home. Over the break I saw my family and just did other activities not at my home over the break. Then before I knew it I was back in Dallas.
I came in thinking that I would spend alot of time at home over the fall break but it did not feel like home when I went back home. It felt like I was just on a short vacation at a place I have been to many times.
How was your fall break and did you feel the same way?

1 comment:

Paris Hilton said...

Going back home was almost the same experience for me! It was so weird that I didn't even sleep in my bed while I was there. My mom had moved stuff around and had even gotten new curtains to go in my room. This past Friday I flew home for my high school's homecoming game. I thought going to my house was weird, but going back to my high school was even crazier! Seeing all of the old faces made me realize how much I've really missed being home.